Easter break
Dear friends, I decided to take one more break from the current series, this time until the 12th of April – Easter is approaching, and with it, for us, another important family celebration. I find that my mind is a little bit too full with all that to do proper justice to the discussion about Desire, so I think it’s for the best to give myself some space until I can focus on it well.
Speaking of following our good desires, though, I have been doing my best to live out the things I write about 😊 – recently my great desire has been to make some adjustments to our family’s living room so it can better function as a work space for both my home-educated daughter and myself. And even though for a couple of days in a row I just hemmed and hawed, not even feeling sure how to go about it, and finding myself various other jobs to do instead, 😅 finally today I just went for it and the ideas in my head have started to take physical shape! I’m already reaping the reward of having my desire and determination for an inspiring, functional space grow even stronger! 💕
I wish the same for you: may you have great joy in bringing your good desires into being. Looking forward to being back with another post on the 12th of April! In the meantime, I’m wishing everyone a happy Easter! Christ is risen, He is risen indeed.