See with new eyes
Now that I see how it embodies the things that matter most to me, there’s even more light and lightness…
Further Thoughts on Character and Calling
“If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”
Put on those contacts!
Most of the time we are very aware of what we want, but cannot see clearly, or at all, what we really want.
Setting the Stage
Do you, like me, often find it difficult to adopt the best attitude in trying situations?
Tuning in to a Different Station
Is there an alternative to the cacophony of Expectations Station?
Moving Along
Our first step in learning to minimize unhelpful Resistance is to accept that it will always be there.
Two Questions
If you are finding particularly hard to overcome resistance to inner expectations, please listen carefully to what your resistance is trying to tell you.
What Responsibility Is All About
I remember that, as a Rebel child, few ideas struck as much dread into my heart as the idea of Responsibility.